If you want to entrust the design of your website to a team of professionals, you will have to go through a certain number of steps which will save you a lot of inconvenience.  

Why work as a team?

Being autonomous is as important when working on a project as knowing how to work with collaborators. This makes it possible, in particular, to reduce your company's costs in terms of recruitment and investment, both financial and personal. However, this can also prove to be a source of problems if this collaboration is not prepared and anticipated.

10 steps to prepare and anticipate a collaboration

Anticipate their needs

Working with collaborators requires preparation. Although these are professionals, they will need to be briefed and supervised at first. Exchange and communication are essential to a successful collaboration. You will therefore have to anticipate all your needs as much as possible, down to the smallest detail, so that your employees can perform well from the start.

Set a budget

As when creating a business, developing a website requires developing a business plan. Indeed, even a small site once that you will have to anticipate (Cost of creation of the website, cost of accommodation, etc.)

Identify your target

In order to reach the right people, you will need to identify your target. Depending on this, you can specify the categories of target Internet users (age, professional category, etc.) Your audience will be at the center of your Internet project. It is therefore one of the essential elements.

Carefully define the tasks to be outsourced

To do this, start by listing the missions that you cannot or do not want to take care of. Then, draw up a second list with the tasks that require skills that you don't have: Design, writing, community management, development... You will have to look at your project as a whole to be sure not to forget anything.

Write precise specifications

These specifications will allow you to communicate to your collaborator and make him understand what you expect of him. This will allow you to be sure that you are on the same wavelength and will avoid any misunderstandings or disagreements. These specifications must contain the complete description of the missions that you will entrust to me (role, material means, objective, etc.)

Take the time to select it's service provider

The success of your project will depend on the selection of your collaborators. Thus, the price should not be the only factor to be taken into account. Pay attention to the experience and vision of the collaborators project. Again, communication will be key.

Set up collaboration tools

When working with a team, it is important to maintain constant contact. This makes it possible to share with them essential documents for the progress of the project, but also, to allow them to be able to move forward in good conditions as soon as a doubt or a question arises. For this, there are tools like Skype, Dropbox, slap or even Google Drive.

Recruit your employees on expert platforms

To find the right collaborators and avoid wasting time, do not hesitate to go directly to the platforms or sites dedicated to this type of project. Before selecting them take into account: the guarantees in terms of payment, the quality of the work as well as their reputation. Each agency has, in general, a portfolio as well as opinions left by their previous client.

Test your employees before you start

Testing your employees will allow you to limit the risks and find your rare pearl. Testing their skills will also allow you to check whether their interpersonal skills and know-how are in line with your values ​​and your mode of operation.

Check in regularly with your service providers

Finally, it is important to organize regular videoconferences with all of your employees or only with a particular service provider depending on the information to be communicated. This makes it possible to take stock of the progress of the project and to respond more precisely to possible questions. The more you are in contact with your collaborators, the more you will avoid misunderstandings.

The benefits of outsourcing

Outsourcing the creation of your website will allow you at the same time to focus on the core of your business, to save time, and therefore to be more flexible for other tasks. In addition, by hiring competent and professional people, you can have a quality website. This collaboration, if it is mastered and well chosen, will also allow you to reach your objectives more quickly and to master the blows. This will make your daily work easier.

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