How to design your editorial calendar?

May 17 | Branding, Marketing & Communication, SEO, Web & Social Networks

How to design your editorial calendar

Before talking editorial calendar or "content plan", let's talk about editorial line. The editorial line is the subject of your blog.
You need to ask yourself: What information do you want to communicate to your readers? Does this information all point to the same theme? Do you have any advice or tips to offer for certain issues related to this theme?

Now that you know what to write about, you need to organize yourself to find when to write. The editorial calendar will therefore help you to have a monthly overview of all the articles you have planned to write. It is an essential ally if you want to be regular in writing your articles to offer quality content.

A good editorial calendar should also meet clear objectives defined in your content strategy. : What do you want to do with your different content: Promote your expertise? Develop your connections with influencers? Generate leads?

So how?

The steps to design your editorial calendar

1. Make a list of topics to discuss

Having a list of ideas will allow you to organize your editorial calendar so that the themes are not always the same from week to week. And then it allows you to clear your mind to put everything flat and know where to start.

2. Note publication dates

For example, if you publish once a week, write down the exact dates on which you plan to publish your content. This will give you an idea of ​​the number of articles you will have to write in the month.

Listing the days can also allow you to view important dates, if you have deadlines to respect, if there is a particular event that could give rise to a special article, etc. For certain periods such as back to school, Christmas or Valentine's Day, it may be interesting to adapt your content to the event.

3. Fill your editorial calendar

Now you will have to put the two together to get your editorial calendar. If your month has 4 dates, all you have to do is drag your article ideas to these 4 dates. Be sure to vary the themes from one article to another so that it is not too redundant for your readers. You can also add a plan below your article to make writing easier, write down your ideas, the keywords, the subjects that you would absolutely like to address.

What's in an editorial schedule?

The publication calendar includes all the content to be produced as part of the content strategy. So we find there:

  • Your company's events: product launch, etc.
  • Chestnut trees: sales, Valentine's Day, end-of-year celebrations, etc.
  • Interesting world days for your sector of activity: festivals linked to a grape variety, world beer day, etc.
  • Cold content: content that remains current over time. Tips or practical advice that remains relevant over time. Cold content is published to improve the natural referencing of a website.
  • And any other idea that is interesting for the company

How to determine the content topics to produce? The best thing is to organize an internal brainstorming session to reflect on all the content to be produced over a year. Everyone can thus propose ideas, the most relevant are retained.

Other elements should appear:

  • The marketing objective of your content
  • Production date and publication date
  • Status: Published? Planned? Written? In draft?
  • The theme
  • The subject of the article
  • The description of the content
  • Content Format: White Paper, Ebook, Case Study, Customer Testimonial
  • The person in charge of writing

The tools to design your editorial calendar

Elements of the editorial calendar

Personally, at EtOH we use Google Sheet, we also suggest you download our Editorial Calendar template.

You can also use Trello which is quite easy to use and very intuitive. Here is an editorial calendar template, to be able to use it, make a copy on your Trello account, for that nothing could be simpler: Display the menu > More > Copy the board.

The time for the first results of a natural referencing (SEO) campaign to appear is very variable. For some content, results may take a few weeks to show. For others, it can take several months. But what to do then when a very precise period of the year particularly interests you? You will have to anticipate the subjects several months in advance to be ready during these relatively short periods of the year during which competition is very strong. This is called “predictive SEO”.

How to design your editorial calendar

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